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It is going to need changing every now

You probably read the headline and thought, "What is he talking about?"Here is where this is going. If you are looking for an industrial strength shrink wrap machine for packaging production, you have to factor several costs into its operation. Not only will you have to purchase the machine itself, but there are ongoing costs of operation that need to be considered. These are necessary costs to ensure your machine performs at maximum efficiency and product is being packaged properly to get out the door.So, let's start with the upfront costs of your shrink wrap operation:Shrink Wrap Machines They come in multiple sizes.


They can range from a tabletop machine like the 2000 Series Machine that runs from $399 a machine to a middle of the line machine Baby Pack Shrink Wrap System running at $2560 to a top of the line high volume machine like the Nexgen 3050 One-Stp Shrink System that is priced sock machine at $13400.Costs: $399-$13400Shrink Wrap2 types of film make up the majority of shrink wrap supply available on the market. They include polyolefin shrink wrap film and shrink wrap film (PVC) Many shrink wrap suppliers will provide disounts for volume purchases.Costs: $75-$95The machine and the shrink wrap are the minimum that needs to be purchased up front.If you are using your machine for volume packaging, on-going maintenance needs to be factored into your costs.


There are many parts to consider that can wear out with use, just like your car.1. Sealing Blade/Wire 2. Sealing Blade Holder 3. Rubber Strip Padding 4. Corner Block 5. Heating ElementSealing Blade/Wire Cost: $25The sealing blade does a lot of work and the blades get dull and need to be replaced. The number of times it needs to be replaced depends on the volume you are producing. Factor in quarterly or bi-annually. Sealing Blade HolderPrice: $135Your sealing blade holder does not get used as often as your knife, but it is like a braking mechanism pad on your car.


It is going to need changing every now and then.Rubber Srip PaddingCost: $26Like your Sealing Blade Holder, it is something that will need replacement depending on the use of your machine.Corner Block Cost: $78.50The corner blocks will see some wear and tear with frequent use.Shrink wrap machines will see some wear and tear if used frequently. So, while you are shopping for a machine and weighing the options, you need to factor your ongoing costs associated with their operation. After all, you want to make sure your product is getting packaged properly as it is getting shipped out the door. Just like your car, ongoing maintenance needs to be factored into your costs.